So where can zines be found?

Everywhere! I mean, not literally, but you can find them in lots of places.

    -There may be a local zine fair where you live

    -Ask your library if they have zines!

    -Your friend could be a secret zine maker! Ask them! Do a zine swap!

    -People sell them on Etsy

    -People sell/share them on Gumroad! (Some are pay-what-you-want or free)

    -People sell/share them on itch! You can even read some zines directly in your browser!

    -Right here on neocities! For example at: or by browsing the zine/zines tags

    And if you think a zine for something should exist, but it doesn't, you can make your own!

Know any other good locations I've missed? Drop me a message on my neocities profile and let me know!
